Require flexibility? Our Mafi services could be your perfect supply chain solution

Require flexibility? Our Mafi services could be your perfect supply chain solution


Traditionally the Stone, Brick, and ceramics suppliers within Spain have loaded and shipped their products using 20 & 40 containers. With their specialist knowledge and expertise, our EU business team recently identified alternative cost-saving solutions for our clients.

This solution presented our clients, with more flexible options that would result not only in cost savings but also in dramatically reducing their transit times.

Changing our clients over to using  Mafi services, where their goods are loaded directly onto vessels via trailers, provided more flexibility in regard to which Ports could be utilised for departures. This enabled our team to pick ports within Spain, which best suited our client’s individual needs.

Once the vessel has arrived in the UK at the designated port, the goods are quickly unloaded onto the client’s specific trailers via the Mafi services. Mafi services provide a regular weekly and twice-weekly service across most UK ports. This permits us to offer services via Poole, Southampton, Portbury, Liverpool, Killingholme, and Purfeet, allowing us to provide a service from Cornwall to Scotland for all clients. This gives our team the flexibility of looking at each individual client’s requirements and choosing to ship to the most cost-effective UK ports for our client.

A high number of our brick & stone clients require direct site deliveries based on either tautliners, flatbeds, or Hiab trailers, using the Mafi service eliminates the extra handling and cost of the shunt, devan, and restitution of containers. On arrival at UK ports, all Mafi’s shipments are offloaded directly onto the client’s designated specific trailers, this not only reduces costs for our clients but also reduces the number of days the client’s goods are in transit.

It is a great example where we have used our knowledge of all available services in Spain to help clients not only save money but also improve service and transit times.

Few key areas where we have identified that the Maffi services can be great for our existing and potential new clients.

  • Arranging loadings via trailers within Spain enabling us to be more flexible to which Spanish Ports we utilise for departures, allowing us to pick and choose the very best Port to meet client’s needs, noticeably Santander or Bilbao.
  • Flexibility within the UK, the Maffi services has great weekly and twice weekly services that call most of the UK Ports, we can offer services via Poole, Southampton, Portbury, Liverpool, Killingholme and Purfleet, this flexibility allows us to service all our clients from Cornwall to Scotland as we can choose to ship via the most cost-effective Port that suits anyone client’s location.
  • Reducing handling and Uk costs within the UK, a high number of the Brick & Stone clients require direct site deliveries based on either tautliners, flatbed or Hiab trailers, utilising the Maffi service eliminates the extra handling and cost of the shunt, devan and restitution of Containers, all Maffis are offloaded on arrival into Ports directly on to our designated trailers, whether that’s tautliners, flatbed or Hiab trailers, this not only saves cost for our clients but also saves a good few days transit time on arrival to the Uk.

The Maffi services offer a Win/Win solution to clients importing heavyweight stackable cargo, we can offer eye catching quotes on quicker transit times, everything that a client is looking for when Importing goods into the UK

MAFI Transport-Systeme GmbH specializes in the development and production of heavy-duty vehicles for transporting containers, semi-trailers, cargo / roll trailers and special container chassis in ports and industry.

Decades of experience and a wealth of knowledge and ideas are crucial to being able to offer high-quality equipment. MAFI places particular importance on intensive dialogue between its customers and partners. Thanks to intensive market research and close cooperation with its customers, MAFI is constantly improving and optimizing its products.

The smooth operation of the MAFI vehicles and the outstanding MAFI customer service ensure low operating costs.

MAFI Terminal tractors are in service 24/7 in high-performance, international container terminals. This demanding industry requires fast and efficient service support from MAFI to avoid disruption to operations and to maximize profitability.

Manufacturers, suppliers and logistics service providers for the automotive, steel, aluminum and paper industries, as well as logistics centers, international seaports and airports are among MAFI’s customers.

To speak to our EU team please call Adam on 07860 845644 or Tom 07803 515802

4 minute read | By Denholm Good Logistics

Last updated: April 6, 2023 | Published: March 28, 2023