Launch of new customer carbon-offset service

Launch of new customer carbon-offset service


According to the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance, freight transport accounts for 8% of global CO₂ emissions, with a predicted increase to 42% by 2050.

This percentage of emissions, which equates to 5.5 billion tonnes of CO₂ per year has been set a 2050 reduction target of two-thirds to help achieve the 1.5oC goal as set in the Paris Agreement 2015.

Our customers who rely on transportation for raw materials and goods across the world are themselves researching ways to help them commit to offsetting their own transportation emissions and address sustainability issues to combat the greenhouse gas emergency and become a net-zero business.

To assist our customers when embarking on their CO₂-offsetting journey, we now provide an innovative carbon-offsetting service which removes the complexities of this journey by automatically;

  • Calculating your CO₂ emissions for each shipment
  • Providing support for global climate action projects
  • Certificates per shipment stating your carbon offset and the project you have supported
  • Providing a unique URL to track your carbon offsetting achievements

The Good Logistics carbon-offsetting service has been made possible by partnering with emissions experts ClimatePartner and EcoTransIT which bring together knowledge, expertise and technology to provide a complete service.

ClimatePartner is a member of the International Carbon & Offset Alliance (ICROA), a voluntary association of experts and companies that commit to accept only projects with trustworthy standards. Their offering tackles many of the issues raised around the impact of carbon emissions including the service we utilise in carbon offset projects to compensate for unabated emissions.

EcoTransIT World is the most used software worldwide for automatic calculations of energy consumption, carbon emissions, air pollutants, and external costs. Compliant with the GLEC Framework, EN 16258 and GHG Protocol (Corporate Standard); it enables the complete calculation of global transport chains across all modes of transport (road, ship, air, rail, inland waterway) including transshipments/warehousing.

If calculating your CO₂ emissions and looking for ways to offset it, is high on your business agenda, please register you interest here for our new carbon offsetting service.

*Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance

2 minute read | By Denholm Good Logistics

Last updated: June 27, 2023 | Published: June 5, 2023